General conditions for the use of the websites and and other works (texts, images, trademarks, etc.) of the Valeria Association
Visitors of this site, especially media representatives, agree to these conditions if they want to consult the contents of the above mentioned websites (including subpages and other domains of the Valeria Association, as well as texts in newsletters, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), conduct interviews with Valeria's parents or quote or reproduce contents published on the above mentioned websites.
The media representatives commit themselves in case of a possible reporting about Valeria or Valeriasen:
- to mention one of the following websites:,,,,, in case of digital articles additionally in clickable form with the corresponding link.
The media representatives are aware that the development of Valeriasen was very expensive and also due to the crowdfunding of May 2019 not enough funds were collected to finance this development. The Valeria Association strives to help more children as soon as possible - also with regard to other diseases - and is therefore dependent on donations, as the invalidity insurance and the health insurance companies do not want to support these modern therapies for ultra-rare diseases and the pharmaceutical industry only picks out those that seem profitable to them.
Our experience has shown that there are many dear people who are willing to support our project, but this is especially the case when our websites are referred to in clickable form in the online media.
If somebody wants to use pictures or interview material of the Valeria Association (,, contents of newsletters or Facebook, Instagram- or Twitter pages) without mentioning the corresponding web links (if online, then in clickable form), he agrees to pay instead a compensation of CHF 10'000.- (in words: Swiss Francs ten thousand) per article in which our links are not mentioned according to the agreement, in form of a donation to the Valeria Association. In this case we expressly reserve the right to assert further claims for damages. For all contracts entered into with Valeria Association orally or in writing, the applicability of Swiss law is expressly stipulated and the ordinary courts at the domicile of Valeria Association are agreed as place of jurisdiction.
Thank you for your understanding,
the board of the Valeria Association (December 2018)